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Leadership Series "Emotional Intelligence" #3 of 3

Leadership Series "Emotional Intelligence" (Session 3 of 3)

Wednesday, October 13, 2021
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM (CDT)

Event Details

Emotional Intelligence: Connecting Social Skills To Success 

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to manage and leverage your own emotions in favorable ways to communicate adequately, empathize with peers, overcome obstacles and diffuse conflict. But Emotional Intelligence is also directly tied to success and those with the highest EQ, reap the benefits of honing this skill set. 

Whether you manage a team of people, work the front line in sales or are a behind-the-scenes teammate, you’ll learn about the behaviors and habits that can improve your performance, both personally and professionally. Learn what high and low EQ looks and sounds like, see real examples of communication struggles and identify strategies for overcoming common workplace disconnects. 

Tap into your inner self, review how to motivate those around you and power up your people skills in this fast-paced, interactive session. 

$20 Per Person / Online Seminar

Zoom Link to each session will be sent after registration.