2025 Committee Chairs
Member participation is essential for the growth of our industry. GBAA committees provide a valuable opportunity to connect with your colleagues and help lead the organization. By volunteering to serve on a committee, you can contribute to our association's objectives while enhancing your professional experience.
Committee members are the foundation of GBAA. Committee members must pledge their time and effort to ensuring goals are achieved. As a GBAA Committee Member we ask the following:
- Actively participate in ensuring that the goals for the committee are achieved.
- That you work with the Committee Chair and other committee members to fulfill the responsibilities as outlined and defined.
- That you attend committee meetings, and communicate when you cannot (two absences with no call/email/general communication can result in being removed from the committee).
- Include Association Executive or GBAA staff liaison in all committee communications.
- Encourage other members to participate in GBAA social events, education classes, dinners, mixers and special legislative events.
Education Committee
Education for apartment industry professionals is one of the primary initiatives of the GBAA. This committee is responsible for planning and promoting educational seminars and workshops that are instrumental in the success of industry professionals throughout Birmingham. It is this group’s responsibility to determine all in-person education classes for the year, as well as research speakers for the annual Education Conference. The committee maintains the progress of the year's class schedule, as well as work on education initiatives from the strategic plan.
Golf Committee
The Golf Classic Committee is responsible for organizing the Association's annual golf tournament, which is our largest GBAA fundraiser.
Governmental Affairs Committee
The Legislative Committee monitors legislative activity locally, and evaluates GBAA's position on state legislative initiatives. The Legislative Committee helps to promote the association’s legislative/government matters events. They work with association staff to raise awareness of the state and national Political Action Campaigns (PAC), and determine effective fundraising opportunities. The Legislative Committee is encouraged to work with staff on any initiatives as defined in the strategic plan.
Maintenance Appreciation Committee
The Maintenance Mania Committee is in charge of the maintenance mania competition that takes place annually. They sign up contestants, solicit sponsorships and coordinate the set up and break down of the event.
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee, with support from GBAA staff, focuses on membership recruitment and retention strategies. This group evaluates internal and external marketing materials, reviews membership benefits, and leads any membership drives/campaigns. The Business Partner Networking Group works together to build relationships and generate leads and referrals. Both groups are ambassador advocates and work together on initiatives as outlined in the strategic plan.
NEXTGEN Committee
The NextGen Committee engages future leaders of the apartment industry through peer networking, education, and association involvement. Open to all GBAA members working within the rental housing industry and are new to or would like to learn more about the multifamily industry. The NextGen Committee will also provide mentoring for new members including Coffee & Connections and Wine/Wind Down Wednesday.