2025 Reverse Trade Show
$400-Supplier Members
Management Companies- $25 Donation
GBAA Office
2401 International Park PlaceHoover, AL 35243
Event Details
For More Information:
**2025 GBAA Reverse Trade Show** **Date:** May 8th **Time:** 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM It's time to reverse roles! At this event, decision-makers from management companies will be positioned behind the tables to meet with attending suppliers. Enjoy food, drinks, and door prizes as you visit each management company booth. **For Management Companies:** Sign up to participate and bring your decision-makers from operations, maintenance, marketing, landscaping, and more! Decorate your table to match the theme. There is a $25 fee per management company. **For Suppliers:** Register for $400, which includes attendance for 2 people. This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your services and products to top management companies in the state!