GBAA Website
Welcome to our website!
In order to get the most out of your member experience, you will need to create a new login. Your previous username and password will not work on the new website. Please follow the steps below corresponding to the scenario that best fits you.
Note: Memberships are company based. If your company is not yet a member, please click here.
With your login, you will be able to:
- Register for events and classes
- Update your profile information
- Track event attendance
- View/Pay company invoices (for company admin users)
- ...and more!
In order to create your new login, please complete the steps below.
If your company is already a member:
- Follow this link.
- Agree to the terms and conditions.
- Enter your email and select a password.
If your company is ready to join GBAA:
We are excited to have you as a new member! To get started:
- Follow this link.
- Select your member type.
- Agree to the terms and conditions and enter your email and select a password.
- Fill in your information as well as your company's information.
- Select your payment method as either invoice or credit card.